Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 HAS ARRIVED! And ANON is ready to boogie! 
"I am going to try to make some money from the 'Bypass Ratio' franchise but truly, the most important thing to me is to have a following and recognition...maybe a little love too."
ANON was the musical director of The Janella Jessica Show, which ended in October of last year.
"I am sad that the show is over. It was the beginning of and the reason why my music came to exist! But we just couldn't generate enough interest to continue making TJJS. However...there will be a 'final episode extravaganza' this summer! I mean, Paige Jessica simply has to have her baby!" (Anon laughs)

ANON, along with his performing side kick and artist friend, JASON C - renamed themselves Bypass Ratio featuring ANON
"We just felt like, since we are Janella Jessica free, that we needed a fresh new name for our 2014 solo year! Bypass ratio refers to a jet engine type. They have high energy, thrust, great power...it seemed like a good fit. Hopefully no one else has copyrights to the name...we checked and checked to make sure!"

"The new single will have some political overtones...mixed in with a lot of sexual themes and the second single entitled "SHAKE IT" will be a little extreme as well. The music is kind of tribal with some techno and I really want to do something completely different with the video! I wanted to start out with a bang (no pun intended) for 2014 but as we ease into the spring, I want to really focus on my singing and write songs more about drama that is more subtle, love & peace, slower tempos. But that can always change! Especially if the world and the USA start gettin' all crayzeeee and shit!" (Anon laughs heartily)

ANON hasn't picked a specific date yet but his first single of 2014 "FREQUENCY" will premiere sometime in mid January!
"Frequency is going to be a weird one!" ANON stated. "When I started to write the lyrics, I was looking out of my bedroom window, at all of the white streaks in the sky and line after line of frequencies in the clouds and I went from there. And I'm no 'conspiracy theorist' but the sky isn't normal anymore, and hasn't been for years!
I was also getting ideas for the video, as I wrote and I wanted a strip club theme and some naughtiness and well, I don't want to give too much away but it's gonna be nasty with a hint of political! We begin filming tomorrow!"

Twenty South Studios got a little make over as well. 
"We stored most of The Janella Jessica Show props and equipment and cleaned up a bit, for the filming of Frequency and Shake It. JASON C designed a new logo and we are ready to create some magic! We don't have a lot of money but me and JC are saving so we can buy some promotion! Not sure how well Virool works but we're going to send them an email to find out how to reach our target audience! I'm going to ask some of my friends who are in the entertainment industry for advice. And...well...we'll see what happens!"

"The main thing I want to accomplish on this earth I guess, is to make cool or beautiful songs and videos that cause people pleasure while also maybe opening a few minds about the deceit and darkness of the world while also promoting love, peace and light. I know that I am misunderstood in this world as is my music but really...that's what it's all about!"

Be watching for FREQUENCY & SHAKE IT and we wish ANON and Bypass Ratio good luck and God speed! 
EVERYTHING ANON >>> (CLICK HERE) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PEACE

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